POSTPONED! (Formerly Sat, February 9, 2019) Stay tuned for updates for the rescheduled date. Join Blake Street Tavern in 2019 for Bar Games in Denver, sponsored by Rebel Games. Buy Bar Games Tickets » Compete as a team or join a team!
Compete in a bar games to raise awareness and money for children caught up in sex trafficking within the US.
Cost $50 per person. Or $500 per Team
Individuals may sign up as a single participant and will be placed on a team.
Teams of 10-15 players are able to sign up as a team using a team name and designated a team captain.
All funds go to heal, educate and defend kids.
Bar Games Held at Blake Street Tavern

We have a full bar and friendly staff that will keep you supplied with fresh draft beers and other beverages. Make it a night out and grab a bite to eat, too, we have award-winning food! Check out our Menu »

We have lots of games downstairs in our Underground Social, Denver's best Arcade Bar.
