Blake Street Tavern is proud to sponsor the Denver Santa Pub Crawl! Check out all the great photos below from this past weekend's crawl (Dec 2, 2017). The Crawl started at Blake Street Tavern, and then they went on their merry way to various other sponsor bars. What a great group! What is the Santa Pub Crawl? For over 15 years the Santa Pub Crawl has donated hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of toys to over a dozen different organizations that specifically help children in metro Denver. The crawl collects a registration fee from each Santa in exchange for a free drink at each bar. These drinks are generously donated by the bars which allows the Santa Pub Crawl to donate cash directly to the organizations. They have even helped an Aurora school purchase a school bus! The Santa Pub Crawl also accepts new toys the day of the event. Learn more about the event: www.denversantapubcrawl.com
